Stanbrough or Hine?

The family of George Hine and Susan Stanbrough with relatives (presumably) circa 1898.

Here is an old photo from the collection.  Maybe I should say it is from the collective.  (Resistance is futile!)  It is from a collection of photos from my mom’s side of the family.  My grandfather’s sisters collected old photos and passed them on to my mom’s cousin Louise.  She and her son Joseph have scanned them and generously share them with family, including me.  This photo has been edited quite a bit to clean it up and make repairs.  Joseph started it and then shared it with me.  I cleaned it up a bit more and brought it to this version.

The first version I ever saw was quite decrepit.  I’ll tell you why.  It looks like one of the things that Louise did was to print out many of these old photos and made photocopies.  Then she went around (or mailed them out) asking the aunts and cousins to identify as many of the people as they could.  There were some identifications attributed to my mom.  She had a good memory for many years and was pretty good at recognizing those old relatives.  The famed family historian Edith Keys Segraves was questioned for some of those photos.

For this photo, Edna Bucklin Keys was consulted.  She identified the older couple sitting to the right as “Grandpa” and “Susan Stanbrough Hine.”  On the left border of the photo it read “Stanbrough family?”  Evidently no one knew who the other people in this photo were, but it was assumed that they were family.  I tend to agree.

1898 – Detail with names

I’m pretty sure that their daughter Addie Hine is standing behind Grandpa George Hine and Grandma Sue.  (Addie was the mother of my maternal grandfather Fred Bucklin.) She is usually standing behind her parents in photos, and in some she has her hand on her mother’s shoulder.  I recognize their sons from other photos that I’ve seen.

On the right is their son Rowe.  To the left of Addie is Jim and the next male to the left is Lonnie (also in dark jacket).  The youngest son Ollie is sitting on the ground and also wearing a dark jacket.  There is another son named Bert and I assume that it is him standing behind Addie.

The other people in the photo are a mystery.  As Aunt Edna indicated, they could be extended Stanbrough family. Grandma Sue had eleven siblings and one older half brother. The other possibility is that the others were part of the extended Hine family.  Grandpa George had six siblings.  Both sides of the family lived in Indiana.

I’m thinking this was two families taking a photograph together.  The older woman sitting on the left and the man standing next to her are likely the parents or grandparents of the other people in the photo.  I looked through my family tree to see if any family grouping looked similar in structure to the one in the photo, but I don’t think I have enough information to come to any conclusion.  So a mystery they remain.

In the meantime I will be looking to see if anyone from those extended Stanbrough and Hine families post the same photo or photos of the same people.  If you perchance should know who any of them are, do let me know.  I would greatly appreciate it.

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